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增强羊胎盘提取物,每日营养补足品。伴有优质鱼DNA细胞提取物及泛醇之羊胎盘提取物增强配方,以作整体修复 ,密集细胞更新及完整保健之用。


• 含更高浓度活性成分
• 较强效益配方*,最佳生物性吸取
• 含高养分,多元保健功效

* 与AF系列配方比较

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PE Evolution or PE EVO is an enhanced version of PE Advanced Formula Softgels.

PE EVO brings essential nutrients to the human body with a list of selected ingredients, to ultimately help you in restoration. This supplement supports cellular damage repair caused by environmental factors and aging, improves healing process rapidity, and boosts immune system, collagen and elastin production for better quality of life and healthier features.


  • Cellular repair
  • Overall wellness
  • Healthy aging
  • Healthy skin, hair and nails
  • Boost energy and stamina
  • Joints and bones healing



人类对胎盘素的修复特性,知之已久。羊胎盘与人体胎盘的角色相似。胎盘素含浓缩氨基酸。 退黑激素, 核酸, 透明质, 抗氧化物,免疫辅助因子, 胜肽,生长因子及其他必需性养分。

羊胎盘提取物的品质是以其提取比率作计量。比例越高,生物活性胎盘提取物含量越浓缩。每颗PE优化软胶囊的提取物含量, 相等 于30,000毫克羊胎素。

海产细胞提取物 ,于水中以原样处理方式,提取的鱼精 提取物,保留了鱼精DNA的聚合形式。鱼产细胞提取物抗氧化、抗菌、光保护,抗光老化多样生物特性。鱼海产细胞提取物协助改善体能表现,支持肌骨胳健康,刺激免疫系统功能及刺激健康皮肤胶原蛋白及弹性蛋白的生成

泛醇 ,最佳生物-吸收型活性抗氧化剂,最优越的辅酶Q10是脂溶性维生素化合物,几乎能在体内的所有细胞寻获,特别是心脏、肝脏、肌肉及肾脏细胞。氧化型辅酶Q10以(癸稀醌型)存在, 于细胞能量代谢乃是不可或缺。抗氧化作用,必须要有还原型泛醇辅酶。当泛醌在体内被应用时,会转变成泛醇;相同地,当辅酶Q10在体内执行任务时,泛醇则会转变为泛醌。此一转变是在以保持平衡,同时亦是逆转型转变。然而,一些研究指称泛醇与泛醌相比之下,泛醇有较佳的生物利用度及运送性。

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This product is recommended/featured by medical specialists and researchers in the following publications/clinical trials:

A Comprehensive Guide To Biological Medicine And Wellness

A Comprehensive Guide To Biological Medicine And Wellness
Author/s: Prof. Dr. Mike Chan and Prof. Dr. Dmitry Klokol
Published by Matador,, London.Medical Research: ISBN 978 1789015 249

Study to verify the specific cosmetic efficacy of the food supplements for
MF3 PE Evolution Softgels
MF3 VP Evolution Softgels
MF3 MCE Evolution Softgels

每日一颗, 餐前半小时,最好是早晨空腹。每日最多2 颗。

Box of 30 softgels



重量 1 公斤
尺寸 31.7 × 20.4 × 3.7 厘米

Certified Halal by the Islamic Services of America (ISA), USA. View Cert

“I feel my skin is more radiant and firmer, I have more energy throughout the day and better sleep. Amazing product!”
Lu Wong, Australia

“I feel much rejuvenated as a nights rest. and have more energy. Not as lethargic as before. I cannot wait for the supplements to improve my skin as I just started on my first box.”
Alysson Jacob H., Singapore

“So helpful for my health and skin!”
Jenny Chang, United States

“I have been taking PE Evolution for the past 12 months. I find it extremely good for my skin complexion and my energy level. I will continue to take it.. Thank you very much”
Ho Teck Kheong, Malaysia

“MF3 great product. I didn’t believe it was so great . My companion for 3 years, I use it every day and never forget it. It makes my health improved, My skin becomes smooth, anti-aging. I really Love it.”
Van Tran, United States

“I am 40 years old. After I use the PE Evolution, my skin looks firm and smooth and my sleeping quality was improved.”
Siek S. C., Malaysia

“I been taking mf3 for about 25 days now so far I have noticed a boost in energy which lasts for about 4 hours every day I have also notice a few aches and pain are starting to diminish very slowly its only been 25 days don’t expect this product to work over night I already ordered my next months supply will give it a three month trial period then I will write a full report so far its been positive”
Walter Gonzalez, United States

“Brighter and Smoother skin”
Nguyen Kim Thanh Mai, Vietnam

“It improves my skin tone, make my skin look brighter, my pigment also become lesser”
Ong li X., Malaysia

“It helps to rejuvenate my body make me feel more energetic”
Amber Chan, Malaysia

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